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R Albert a:r louis|k:in (louis) (9)
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R, Albert
R, Albert François Henri
R, Albert Richard
U(R, Albert
R, Albert Pirñtham
Author: R (Albert)
ESPITALI1R (Albert). Napoleon and King Liurat: a biography compiled from hitherto unknown and unpublished documents.. . Translated from the French by J.L. May, with a...frontispiece &... illustrations. pp. xiii. + (2) + 509. 0 8 . London and New York, 1912
Card ID: 448
xw1 387A 920 KOESThR (Albert). See STORM (Theodor). Theodor Storms &amtliche Werke. (Herausgegeben von A. Köster.) Leipzig, 1920. 4 [A reprint.] Leipzig, 1923. Pfi..i\C Lç
Card ID: 75
C rfr< 7 !LkY’R (Albert) The Prehistoric remains of Malta. Translated from the German (by Prince Louis of Batten— berg]. pp. (4) + 117 + (3). Illustrations and folded plans in pocket. 0 8 . [Vllctta?J printed for private circulation, 1908. With an autograph inscription by Prince Louis of Battenber_on the flylef.
Card ID: 387
xP am 8th SllAEFfR (Albert), acethe und seine rossen Zcitgeno3sen. Cieben Essays von E.Stiger, A.B.Wachsmutb, H.Lilje, J ,l4iiUer, X.von ?.aumer. Herausgegeber von -A.Schaefer. (Beck sche Schwarze Reihe, 5.) pp. 203. nich, 1968.
Card ID: 465
538a scTiwrn&R (Albert). See MARShALL (George N.) and POLTh’G (tvid). Schweitzer; a biography.. .Foreword by Rheria Schweitzer. London, 1971.
Card ID: 50
Author: R (Albert François Henri)
BESEZvR (Albert François Henri). Die Verbreitung und Regulierung der Diprion pini-Ka1mitit in den Niederlanclen in den abren 1938-1941, etc. [With a bibliography and a sunmsry in Dutch. Doctoral - dissertation submitted to the University of Utrecht.J pp. (8) + 106 + vi. Illus— tration, maps, diagrams, charts and tables. g0 Wageningen, 1942’.
Card ID: 134
Author: R (Albert Richard)
[J CJ-iADLiR (Albert Richard) and B.NHARP (Edward N.) .A Bibliography of psychological and experimental aesthetics, l86L—l937. (2) + 190 leaves. 0 8 . Berkeiey,fr 1938. r.p,,per.crjpt facsimile.
Card ID: 316
Author: U(R (Albert)
012 Feu FEtJERvilU(R (Albert). History in cozmnunist China. [ay various authora.] Editedby A.Feuerjerker. pp. xiv, 382. 8°. Cathbride, s., and London, 1968,
Card ID: 94
Author: R (Albert Pirñtham)
[s’ 33 VLbPP RYD Goo RYD€R (Albert Pirñtham). See GOOtEIQfl (Lloyd). Albert P. Ryder. New York, 1959.
Card ID: 69