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QUVIER Georges L4opold Chrtien Frddric Dagobert de on (georges) (1)



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    Author: QUVIER (Georges L4opold Chrtien Frddric Dagobert de)


    0 E P08j TO i QUVIER (Georges L4opold Chrtien Frddric Dagobert de), Baron. LLe Rne Animal.— nliehJ. The Animal kingdom arranged according to its oçganization, serving as a foundation for the natural history of animals and an introduction to comparative anatomy. By Baron Quvier. With figures...The crustacea, arachnides & inseota by II. Latreille. Translated from the latest ‘rench edition with additional notes [by H. M’IJurtrie), etc. (Memoir of Baron Cuvier.) 4 vole, in 2. 8°. London, 1834—36. [See next card.)

    Card ID: 84