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QUIM Arthur Hobson a:on arthur|k:0672 (1)



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    Author: QUIM (Arthur Hobson)


    Malcoha Morley Collection fl)95 QUIM (Arthur Hobson). Representative American pJ.ays from 1767 to the present day. Edited with jntroduction and notes by A.H.Quinn, Fifth edition, revised end enlarged. pp. xi. + 1107. Bibliography. 8°. New York, 1930. ——Sixth edition, revised and enlarged. pp. ix. + 1157. Bibliography. CaJJ c2V.O 8°. New York and ]ondon, 1938. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. pp. xii. + 1248. Bibliography. CoA.p.’ itJWQ 8°. New York, 1953.

    Card ID: 267