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PYE, Henry James
PYE, henry James
Author: PYE (Henry James)
/ PYE (Henry James). Faringdon Hill: a poem in two books. [By H.J. Pye.] Oxford and London, 1774. See FARI1iGDON HILL.
Card ID: 415
PYE (Henry James). The Siege of Meaux: a tragedy in three acts, pp. 71. 8°. London, 1794. Louc 1 na volume lettered: Plays. VIII.
Card ID: 418
Author: PYE (henry James)
PYE (Henry James). Six Olympic odes of Pindar. Translated from the Greek. See ANDEHSON (R.) A Complete edition of the poets of Great Britain. Vol. XII. London, 1792—1807.
Card ID: 419
PYE (Henry James). GAWSWORTH (John), ocud. [i.e. Terenee Ian Fytton ARMSTRONG.] Backwaters: excursions in the shades. WUhiam Godwln, H.J.Pye, £.• London, 1932.
Card ID: 422
• PYE (Henry James). PARK (Thomas), F.S.A. The Works of the British poets, Vol. 56. (Hymns and epigrams of Homer. Trans]ated from the Greek by H.J. Pye.) J.ond, 1815.
Card ID: 424
YSH Pcr PYE (Henry James). PARK (Thomas), F.S.A The Works of the British poets, Vol. 58. (Odes of Pindar, translated ....with notes and illustrations by G.West, R.B. Greene [or rather E.B. Greene) and H.J. Pye, London.. 1815.
Card ID: 425
• ‘/i3H PYE (Henry James). pi (Thomas), F.S.A. The Works of the British works, . Vol. 64. Containing Francis and Pye’s version of Horace. London, 1815.
Card ID: 426