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PUSEY Edward Bouverie a:o c|k:c(’c) (19)



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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). All faith the gift of God. Real faith entire. Two sermons, preached before the University of Oxford, on the twenty—third and twenty— fourth Sundays after Trinity, 1855. pp. vii. + 94. [S.R.] 8°. Oxfor end London, 1855. Bound in a volume lettered: Sermons. Pusey c. 1837-55.

    Card ID: 178

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    Iii (3 PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). Chastiseent neglected forerunners of greater: a sermon [on Joel ii. 12, 13], preached at Margaret Chapel, on the vigil of the Annunciation, being the day appointed”for a general fast and humiliation before Almighty God, in order to obtain pardon of our sins-, . pp. 32. IS.R.j 0 8 . London and Oxford, 1847. Bound in a volume lettered: Sermons. Pusey &c. 1857—55.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    - J-yLt PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). The Church of Engle.nd leaves her children free to open their griefs., —— Postscript to the letter to the Rev.W.U. Richards, in vindication of the freedom whIch the Church of England leaves to her children to whoni to open their griefs. pp. (2) + 203—312. 8°. 1850]. sound in a volume lettered: Letters. Pusey&c. 1850—71. 2.

    Card ID: 182

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    g4 PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). Churches in London. With an appendix containing answers to objections raised by the tlRecord?t and. others to the plan of the Metropolis Churches Fund. pp. 40. [S.R.J 8°. Qxrs1, 1837. Bound in p vq1une lter ed: Lett 1837—4. I.

    Card ID: 183

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    p7 PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). An Eirenicon. (I. The Church of England a portion of Chi’iste one Holy Catholic Church, and a means of restoring visible unity: an eirenicol2, in a letter to the author of “The Christian year” [J.lCeble).— II. First letter to the Ver& Rev. J.HJJewman, D.D. in explanation chiefly in regard to the reverential love due to the ever—blessed Theotokos and the doctrine of her immaculate conception. With an analysis of Cardinal de Turrecremata’s work on the itunaculate conception.— III. Is healthful reunionimpossible? A second letter to the Very Rev. J. H.Newnian, D.D.) 3 parts in 2 vols. 8°. Oxford, 1865—70. Wantin an “Apendi. answer to Mr.Harpers strictures’ and th .f—title to Pirt II.

    Card ID: 188

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    [CT’ PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). [An Eirenicon.— Se1ection.J The Essential unity of the Church of Christ. Extracted from “An Eirenicon”, . pp.19. Oxford and London, 1904. See EASTERN CHURCH ASSOCIATION. Occasional .paper[sj. New series, 7.

    Card ID: 189

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    CJ4 PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). Entire absolution of the penitent: a sermon [on John xx. 21—231, mostly preached before the University, in the Cathedral Church of Christ, in Oxford, on the fourth Sunday after Epiphany-. pp. xx. + 76. [S.n.] 8°. Oxford and London, 1846. Bound. in volume lettered: Sermons, Pusey &c. j_5

    Card ID: 192

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    ‘9 PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). I God is love. Whoso receiveth one such little child in iLt name, receiveth Me. Two sermons the Church o the Holy Trinity, lifracombe, in behalf of a new church, and of the parochial schools, on the tenth arid twelfth Sundays after Trinity, 1844...Second edition. pp. (4) + 49. [s.R.) 8°. Oxfo, 1844. Bound in a volume lettered: Sermons. Pusey &c. 137—5.

    Card ID: 194

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). A Letter to...Richard, Lord Bishop of Oxford, on the tendency to Romanism, imputed to doctrines held of old, as now, in the English Church. With a preface on the doctrine of justIfication.. Fourth edition. (Appendix. Extracts from the Tracts for the times, the Lyra apostolica, and other publications, showing that to oppose ultra—Protestantism is not to favour Popery.) pp. lix. + 239 + (1) + 24. 1S.Li 6°. Oxford and London, 1840. Bopd in a vo2uzae lettered: Letters. Pusev &c. i3—43 1.

    Card ID: 201

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). - A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, anterior to the division of the East and West. Translated by.niembers of the English Church. [Edited by E.B..Pusey and others]. See LIBRARY OF FATHERS OF THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH.

    Card ID: 202

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    - Ic PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). The Preaching of the Gospel a preparation for our Lord’s coming: a rmon [on Matt. xxiv. 14] preached at the parochial church of St. Andrew’s, Clifton, in conformity with the Queen’s letter, in behalf of the Society for th&propagation of the Gospel, ç. pp. (4) + 30. [s.R.] 8°. Oxford, 1841. Bound in a volume lettered: Serrnons. Pusey &Q. _ -- -—_

    Card ID: 206

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    Author: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie)


    9+ ‘9 t014) PUSEY (Edward Bouverie). The Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist: .a sermon [on 1 Cor. x. 16], preached before the University, in the Cathedral Church of Christ, in Oxford, on the second Sunday after Trinity, 1853. pp. 74. [S.R.] 8°. Oxfrd and London, 1853. Bound in a volume lettered:_Sermons. Pusey_&c. -__ ____ - _____ - —___

    Card ID: 207