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PRYNNE William a:king alexander|k:in (alexander) (4)
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PRYNNE, William
Author: PRYNNE (William)
PRYNNE (William). [A Breife memento to the present unparliamentary Junto, ete,] —Breve memento ad prsens non-parlamentarivm conventicvlvm, tangens ipsorum prsente intentiones & processus a.d deponendum & supplicio afuiciepdum Carolvm Stewardvm legitimum suum regem, etc. - See CEARLES I., King of Great Britain and. Irelan4. [Biography. - General Biography.] Sylioge variorvm traetatvvm.. .quibus Caro]i.. .1egis innocentia illustratur, etc. — [ Amsterdam ], 1649.
Card ID: 406
f PRYNNE (William). Mr William Prynn his deTeflce of stage-plays; or, A retractation of a former book of his called Histrio—Mastix. [supposititious.] pp. 8. [D.-L.L.J 40• London, l6L.9,. [reprinted 1822). Bound with “Histrio—?stix”.
Card ID: 408
PRYNNE (William). [The History of King John, King Henry III and...King Edward I. — Appendix.] 9.2 NISBET (Alexander), Antiquary. A System of heraldry, speculative and practical...(With critical and histor1. remarks on that part of Prynne’s History known by the name of the Ragman-Roll.) The second edition. Edinburgh, IBOLi.
Card ID: 411
PRYNNE (William). The Opening of the Great Seale of England. Containing certain brief historicall and legall observations touching the originall, antiquity, progresse, vse, necessity of the Great Seal...ifl respect of charters, patents, writs, commissions and other processe... Occasioned by the over-rash censures of such who inveigh against the Parliament, for ordering a new Great Seale, to be engraven, to supply the wilfuil absence...of the old, unduely withdrawne and detained from them. London, 163. See supra: An Humble remonstrance against the tr’ -money lately imposed,, rt2.
Card ID: 414