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PRYCE, Frederick Norman
Author: PRYCE (Frederick Norman)
PRYCE (Frederick Norman). Catalogue of sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman à ntiquities of the British Museum. Vol.1 Part 1. Prehellenic and early Greek. (Vol.1 Part 2. Cypriote and Etrusoan.) - London, 192&O. See LOON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) British Museum. Department Threek and Roman - Antiquities.
Card ID: 379
PRYCE (Frederick Norman). See STOBART (Jobn c.) The Glory that was Greece: a survey of Hellenic culture and civilisation. Third edition, revised by F.N.Pryce. London, 1933.
Card ID: 381
PRYCE (Frederick Norman). = UNION ACADiAIQUE INTERNATION.ALE.. Corpus vasorum antiquoruua, (under the g&ieral direction of Edmond Pottier.— British Museum Sefies, edited) by... (F.N. Pryce, eto). ondon, 1925, et.
Card ID: 382