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PRY, John
UOLD, Douglas WilliAm
No Author available
Author: PRY (John)
DTORY PRY (John). .2 PISRCE (Wi11im), John Peiiry: his life, times and writings. London, 1923.
Card ID: 256
Author: POOLE (John)
Malcolm Morley Collection POOLE (John), Drarnatjst, Paul Pry: a comedy in three acts. [1880?] DICKS (Tohn). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 321.
Card ID: 527
Malcolm Morley Collection 24z POOLE (John), Dramatist, Paul Pry: a comedy in three acts. n.d, LACY (Thomas Hailes). Lacy’s (French’s) acting edition, 222.
Card ID: 526
Author: UOLD (Douglas WilliAm)
Malcolm Morley 9i;3 Collation JEiUOLD (Douglas WilliAm). Paul Pry: a farcical eonedy in two acts. [1888.) DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard plays, 982.
Card ID: 481
Author: No Author available
L9e PRY PR’IOR (John IZ7.ard). A ronic1e of’ snafl beer: the early Victorian diaries of a flertfordahire brewer [John Izzard Pryor. Edited] by Gerald Cirtie. With a foreword by 1.0. Ehnnlsort. pv. 222. Plates and folded genealogical table. london and C2ilchea ter, 1970.
Card ID: 424
P c .MVi M DORCHESTER. Dorset Natural His pry and ciaQlica). ççet. Dorset worthies. No. 1, 0 8 . [Dorchesi z,J1962, . In progress. 1. William Barnes, 1801-1886. By B.Jones..1962. 2. Thomas Russell, 1762-1788. By E.Blunden. 1962. 3. John Cowper Powys. By’ B.Jones, 1962. +. Mary nning, 1799-18+7. By LOurle. [1962, 5. William Crowe, 17+5—1829. By E.Bltmden 19 3. 6. Rev. Thomas Cole, c.1726-1796. By B.Jones and J.Stevens Cox. 1963. 7. Alfred Stevens, 1817—1875. By F.R.Ollett. 1963. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 160