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PROCTOR Richard Anthony a:on anthony|k:0417 (4)
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PROCTOR, Richard Anthony
Author: PROCTOR (Richard Anthony)
DEPOB ITO RY PROCTOR (Richard Anthony). The Moon: her iuotions, aspect, scenery, and physical condition...With three lunar photographs by Rutherfurd...and uiany plates, charts, etc4 pp. xv. +394. 8°. London, 1873.
Card ID: 166
rO1TQ’i PROCTOR (Richard Anthony). !rst,eries of time and apace... WjUi.,iUust,ra— tions. pp. 418. [L.I. London, 1883.
Card ID: 167
DEPQS1TORS PROCTOR (Richard Anthony). Old and new aatronomy...completed by A.O. Ranyard. With...plates and wOdcuta. pp. viii. + 816. [1. I.] 0 8 . London, 1892.
Card ID: 169
DEPOJTORy PROCTOR (Richard Anthony). The Universe o suns, an1 other science c1eanings... With.,.illustrations. pp. vi. .,. 401. CL. t.] 3. Londp, 1884.
Card ID: 177