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PRIOR Sir James prior ( james) (3)



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    Author: PRIOR (Sir James)


    Lc k* PRIOR (Sir James). Memoir of the life and oharacter of the Riht Hon. Ediwrnd Burke; with speoens of 1215 poetry and letters, etc. pp. xxiv.÷ 584. lat. L. I.] 0 8 . London, 184. second edLtion, en1rg.d..,.hy a verity of rigina1 lette i,ähcqotés,’pa.pers, nd other. additional. matter,. 2 vols. Portrait. 80. London,. 1b26. Third edition. op. xxviii. + 596. uA Eort.raita 8°. London, 1839.

    Card ID: 319

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    Author: No Author available


    067A 837 f1r.rA PRIOR (Sir James). See GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. Works.) The Miscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith... including a variety of pieces now first collected. By J.Prior. 8°. London, 1837.

    Card ID: 320

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    Author: No Author available


    %4 v1 j’. tst. (. . v L NICHOL3OI (Sir .Vliliiam ewzarn Prior). -‘ I Twelve portraits. (H.2.t.theQ.u.een, H.R.H.the Prince of W1os, Pri.ucoBismarok, W..aladtone the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord. Roberts, Cecil Rhodes, Sir Henry Hawkins, James Mc1ei1l Whistler, Rudyard Kipling, 3ir Henry Irvi, Sarah Bernhardt.) pp. (4) + 12 plates. fol. I1ondon, 1899.

    Card ID: 413