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PRINCMN Nfl JERSEY a:in john henry|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: PRINCMN (Nfl JERSEY)


    PRINCMN (Nfl JERSEY). Princeton University. Department of Economics. International Finance Section. Essays in international finance. IContinued.] 1p( Pc..24 106. NcKINNON (Ronald Ian). A New tripartite monetary agreement or a limping dollar standard? 107. riaiino (John Marcus). Reflections on the international monetary reform. 1974. 1QS. DIAZ-ALFJANDRO (Carlos Federico). Less developed TM countries and the post—1971 international financial system. 1975. 109. MIK3EIL (Raymon Frech) and GOLDSTEIN (Henry N.) ¶ (e.c..2) Rules for a floating-rate regime. 1975. 110. NIC]LALOPOIJWS (Constantine). Financing needs of (“ 2) developing countrios: proposals for international action. 1975. [SEE NEXD CARD.]

    Card ID: 171