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PRICE Richard a:e or|k:on (e) (16)



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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    ( Zr iccPRICE (Richard), Barrister—at—Law. See WARTON (Thomas), Poet Iaureate. aistory of English poetry...Witb. a preface by R.Price, and notes, etc. London, 1871.

    Card ID: 204

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    Porteus Library ,2 PRICE (Richard), . Additional observations on the nature and value of civil liberty, and the war with America; also observations on schemes for raising money by public loans, an historical deduction and analysis of the national debt, and a brief account of the debts and resources of France. pp. xvi. + 176. 8°. Lond, 1777.

    Card ID: 206

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    Porteus Library 79 PRICE (Richard), ,p. [Essay on the Population of England. - A9pendi.] Uncertainty of the present population of this kingdom, deduced from a candid review of the accounts Iate].y given of it by Dr.Price [in his ‘Essay on the popu1aton of england’] on the one hand, Mr.Eden, Mr.Wales, and Mr.Howlett, on the other. pp; 32. 8°. London, 1781.

    Card ID: 213

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    PTL ?R:L PRICE (Richard), ii’. Four. dissertations. ‘I. On providence. II. On prayer. III. On the reasons for expecting that virtuous men shall meet after death in a state of happiness. IV. On the importance of Christianity, the nature of historical evidence, and miracles. pp. vii. + 439. 8°. London, 1767.

    Card ID: 216

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    fPcccj PRICE (Richard), D.D. Observations on reversionary payments, etc. L Continued.) Seventh edition. (The whole new arranged, and enlared by the aition of algebraical and other notes, and the solu— tions of aeveral new problems in the doctrine of annuities, by William Morgan.) 2 vole. coe .M.] 6°. London, 1812.

    Card ID: 217

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    PRICE (Richard), D.D. Observations on the importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a. benefit to the world. To which is added, a. Letter from M. Turgot.1a.te Comptroller—General of the finances of France: with an Appendix, containing a. translation of the will of M. Fortune Ricard,etc. pp. ‘(iii. + 16.Tab1e.s.. tG.G.] 80.London, 178. Potteu T4b.r c tAnother copy]

    Card ID: 219

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    PRICE (Richard), D.D. [Observations on the Importance of the Aniejcaii Revolution.] A Short abstract of a work lately printed by Dr.Price, on the importance of the American Revolution, and tie means of raking it a blessing to the world, . See RIQUETTI (Honor G.), Count do tirateau,. Considerations on the order of Cincinnatus, tç,. pp. 175—284. London, 1785.

    Card ID: 220

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    e 3l Reference only PRICE (Richard), D.D. A Review of the principal questions in morals, particularly those respecting the origin of our ideas of virtue, its nature, relation to the deity, obligation, subject-matter, and sanctions. Third edition corrected, and enlarged by an appendix, containing additional notes, and a dissertation on the being and attributes of the deity. pp.v.Li, 512. London, 1787.

    Card ID: 221

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    12 PRICE (Richard), D.D. Tio tracts on civil liberty, {Continued:] (Another copy.] (G.G.] tit1e-pe of the senth eiU of this work has teen jnserd t the bginn goj this copy

    Card ID: 224

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    Porteus Library 66 PRICE (Richard), [Two Tracts on Civil Liberty.J The General introduction and supplement to the two tracts on civil liberty, the war with America, and the finances of the kingdom. pp. xxvi.. + 181—216. 8°. London, 1778,

    Card ID: 225

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    PRICE (Richard) ,ii. I). Soe BAIL? (F.) Tables for the purohàsing and renewing of leases...To wltLch is added an ?ippendix oontainin. . . some re1r.rks on the rnthod adopted by Dr9 Price and Mr. Morgan for finding the value of annuities, , 2c12i, 18D7.

    Card ID: 226

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    Author: PRICE (Richard)


    TL4c- Ics-, PRICE (Richard), .fl. See EDWARDS (Evan M.) The Moral and religious philosophy of Richard Price, 1723—91. 1955.

    Card ID: 227