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PRICE, Cecil John Layton
Author: PRICE (Cecil John Layton)
PRICE (Cecil John Layton). The English theatre in Wales in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. ‘[With bibliographical notes.] pp. x. + (2) + 202. ?ortr4 plates and facsimiles. 8°. Cardiff, 194.
Card ID: 52
YL(P,C PRICE (Cecil John Layton). ‘A man of genius, and a Welch man!: (the Reverend Evan Lloyd. Inaugural lecture of the Professor of English language and Literature, delivered at the (University) College (of Swansea) on 5 Pebruar 1963. [With biblio— graphical references.J pp. 27, 8°. Swansea, [1963].
Card ID: 53