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PRATT John a:on john|k:0959 (7)
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PRATT, Edwin John
PRATT, John Eenry
PRATT, John Henry
PRATT, Sir John Thomas
PRATT, j John Thomas
Author: PRATT (John)
JTDe Oecd PRATT (John). ORGANIZATION I)R ECONOMIC CO-OP.AT ION AND DWELOPMEN. Technical education in the United Kingdom. Ry Tyrrell Burgess and John Pratt. (case Studies on Innovation in Higher Eduation.) p. l+5. Paris) 1971.
Card ID: 452
Author: PRATT (Edwin John)
YP PRATT (Edwin John). Pc The Collected poems of .J.Pratt. (Edited with an introduction by N.Frye. Second edition. pp. xxviii. + 395. Portrait and illuetrationa. 8. Toronto, 1958.
Card ID: 428
Author: PRATT (John Eenry)
PRATT (John Eenry), Arhdecon of Calcutta. The tatheiaatical principles of mechanical philosophy, and their application to elementary mechanics and architecture, but chiefly to the theory of universal gravitation. Second edition, revised and improved. pp. xxxiv. ÷ 62o Tables and fo].ded plates. [De M.] 80. ambrj4g, 1842.
Card ID: 453
Author: PRATT (John Henry)
H PRATT (John Henry), Archdeacon of Calcutta. A Treatise on attractions, Laplace’s functions, and the figure of the earth. pp. xvi; + 126. Diagrams and tables. [De M.] 8°. Cambridge and London, i86o.
Card ID: 454
Author: PRATT (Sir John Thomas)
Cc PRATT (Sir John Thomas). Before Pearl Harbour: a study of the historical background to the war in the Pacific. pp. 59. Maps. 80. London, 1944.
Card ID: 456
PRATT (Sir John Thomas), Great Britain and China. [London], 1942. See OXFORD PAMPHLETS ON WORLD AFFAIRS Oxford pamphlets on world affairs. No. 53. /
Card ID: 460
Author: PRATT (j John Thomas)
PRATT (j John Thomas), K.BE. Japan and the modern world. [London], 1942. See OXFORD PAM?HLETS ON WORLD AFFAIRS. Oxford pamphlets on world affairs. No. 55.
Card ID: 461