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PRAEGER, Robert Lloyd
Author: PRAEGER (Robert Lloyd)
Iej & 0 PRAEGER (Robert Lloyd). Beyond soundings. [Essays and sketches reprlntec from the Irish Statesman, The Garden and the Cornhill Magazine.] Dublin& Cork, 1930. Temporary Catalogue Entry
Card ID: 182
fly Pra PRAEGER (Robert Lloyd). The Botanist In Ireland. pp. xii. + (51i5). Plates, illustrations, maps and tables, 8°. Dublin, 193L4.
Card ID: 183
Mfl Pra PRAEGER (Robert Lloyd). The Way that I went: an Irishman in Ireland. (2nd edition, revised.) pp. Kiii. + 391i. Bibliographical references, portrait, plates, illustrations, facsimile, plans, diagrams, tables and folded map. 8°. Dublin and London, 1939.
Card ID: 184