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PRAED, Winthrop Mackworth
Author: PRAED (Winthrop Mackworth)
5U4) Cc Uiiti PRAED (Winthrop Mackworth). The Political and occasional poems of Winthrop ?Aackworth Praed. Edited, with notes, by Sir George Young. pp. xxxii. + 325. çrtraiS. 8°. and New York, 1888.
Card ID: 171
c —r:— L2’‘• — PRAED (Winthrop Mackworth). Athens: a poem whicI obtained the ChancellorTs Medal at the Cambridge Commencement, July 1824. [An excerpt from the Cambridge Chronicle.) [s.R.] {Cambridge, 18241. Eolded and inserted at the end of a volume lettered: Poems.
Card ID: 172
PRAED (Winthrop Mackworth). See FREEMAN. Have you heard the ne’vs? an address to the freemen...upon the prçposed destruction of their rights, (Substance of the speeches [of ITr. Praed, Londofl, 1835.
Card ID: 177
1 f’f\ I PRAED (Winthrop Mackworth). See HUDSON (Derek). A Poet in Parliament: the life of Vl.M. Praed, 1802—1839. London, 1939.
Card ID: 178