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PPING Henry Avray a:i i john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: PPING (Henry Avray)


    “1 I , ; : TIPPING (Henry Avray). EnglIsh homes. 9 vols. IllustratIons plans. [P.M.L.] £1. London and Now York, 1920—37. PerIod I. Vol.1. Norman and Plantagenet, 1066—1485. PerIod 2. Vol.1. Early Tudor, 1485—1558. PerIodsI & 2. Vol.2. fedIaeval and early Tudor, Io66— 1558. PerIod 3. 2 vols. Late Tudor arId early Stuart,1558—1649. PerIod 4. Vol.1. Late Stuart, 1649—1714. PerIod 4. Vo12. The Work of SIr John Vanbrugh and hIs school, 1699-1736. By H.A.TIppIng and C.Hussey. PerIod 5. Vol.1. Early GeorgIan, 1714—1760. PerIod 6. Vo1.1. Late GeorgIan, 1760—1820.

    Card ID: 106