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POYNTING John Henry a:on john|k:0799 (2)



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    Author: POYNTING (John Henry)


    POYNTING (John Henry) On the tran8fer or energy in the electromagnetic field.. .From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part 2., 1884. pp. (2) + 343-361. Diagrams. 4°. Lonconj, 1884.

    Card ID: 6

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    Author: POYNTING (John Henry) and THOMSON (Sir Joseph John)


    DEPOSITORY POYNTING (John Henry) and THOMSON (Sir Joseph John). A Text—book of physics. 4 vols. Illustrations. 8°. London, l89Q—192Z. 1. Properties of rratter. (Seventh edition). 2. Sound. (intb edition.) 3. Heat. (Sixt.h edition). 4. Eleotriolty and magnetism. Statio Eleot,rioit,y and Magnetism. (Second edition). 2 parts. [For later editions I infra:A University text-book of physics, etc.’

    Card ID: 7