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POX John a:on john|k:0799 (2)
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POX, John
POX, Sir John Charles
Author: POX (John)
Jre11cL POX (John), the Martyrologiet. [Actes and tonuan€nt.] 11oc1s Boot of Martyrs: the acts and monuments of the church. [Edited. by 3. umining.J 3 vols. Portraits, plates and. illustrations. 0 London, 1844. Volume 1 has two additional engraved tit1eges, ö1umes 2 & 3 have one.
Card ID: 365
Author: POX (Sir John Charles)
CS MJ Cc POX (Sir John Charles). t2 , — IQI&-’’.c. See LONDON. [III.j Royal Historical SQolety. Caniden series. 22. The Official diary of Ieutenant— General Adam Williamson, Deputy— Lieutenant o the Tower of London, 1722—1747. & JC.Fox. London, 1912.
Card ID: 378