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POWYS Theodore Francis a:harris william john|k:are (john) (19)



  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    YP P856E 966 POWYS (Theodore Francis). [Smaller Collections.] Rosie Plum, and other st;ories...Drawings by J.Ward.. (Foreword by F.Powys.) pp.198. G 8°. London, 1966. LAnother copy.] Uncorrected proof.

    Card ID: 451

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    p POWYS (Theodore Francis). Black Bryo. With...woodcuts by R.A.Garnett. pp. 184. 8°. London, 1923. çc.L13r c1 -. [Another copy. J STE)LH’4 LHRAR’1’ S.L. C. _I .470. FFEr’:c O’y

    Card ID: 452

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    fr,4ypp, POWYS (Theodore Francis), Bottle’s path, and other stories. pp. •(8) + 227. 8°. London, 191i6.

    Card ID: 453

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    \1f p POWYS (Theodore Francis). Captain Patch: twenty—one stories. pp. viii. + 269. 80. London, 1935.

    Card ID: 454

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    TLD L:,:-: liT •j ‘ — POWYS (Theodore Francis). The Dewpond: a story. (The Woburn Books, 2.) pp. 29. 8. London, 1928. c. 67 of 530 copies, signed by the aut}or.

    Card ID: 455

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    3h’E’ POWYS (Theodore Francis). Fables. (The PhoethLib.) pp. (8) + 25, 8°. London, 1930.

    Card ID: 457

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    POWYS (Theodore Francis). God’s eyes a—twinkle: an anthology of the stories of TF. Powys. With a preface by C. Prentice. pp. xv. 1- 454. •0 8. Jnzi, 1947. LT.H3 Y(P Another copy.)

    Card ID: 460

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    sTERLLG LIBRARY CS L 3 p r - :i REFERENCE ONLY POWYS (Theodore Francis). The House with the echo: twenty—six stories. pp. v. + 234. 8°. Iondon, 1928. With a signed autograph note by the author on The front flyleaf. S.L.C., fl. 479. — 3%( [Another copy.)

    Card ID: 461

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    TERLIi’G LIERAR’( ‘•] (EDLW)6A &s - t3:I REFEI1C 0LY J POWYS (Theodore Francis). The Key of the field...With a woodcut by R.A.Garnett and a foreword by S.T.Warner. (Purnival Books, 1.) pp. 39. 8°. London, 1930. No. 508 of 550 copies sinned by the author. With a presentation inscription by the author on the front flyleaf. S.t.0., III. 158.

    Card ID: 464

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    STERLING L16RAR’( REFERENCE ONLY POWYS (Theodore Francis). Kindness in a corner: [a novel]. pp.(12) + 25).,.. London, 1930. No.206 of 206 copies, signed by the author. With a presentation inscription by the author to his wife on the front flyleaf. S.L.C., 11.482. ___ e6- — (Second impression.) pp. (8) + 25. 8°. London, 1930.

    Card ID: 465

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    [61L1 :s!1: “ I POWYS (Theodore Francis). Make tbyself many. [With a bibliography of the author’s works.) (The Grayson Books.) pp.(38). 8°. London, 1935. No. 28 of 285 copies, siRned by the author. S.L.CtII. 256.

    Card ID: 467

  • card

    Author: POWYS (Theodore Francis)


    -“P POWYS (Theodore Francis). Mr. Tasker’s gods. pp. viii. + 311. 8°. London, 1925. ,..——- /If [Another copy.) ¶c] 1C S.L.C.II. 41. [A reissue.) (The Phoenix Librar, +6.) pp. vijj. + 311. 0 8 . Lndoii, 1929.

    Card ID: 469