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POWELL Cecil Frank a:powell cecil frank|k:powell (cecil frank) (3)



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    Author: POWELL (Cecil Frank)


    POWELL (Cecil Frank). (( The Study of elementary particles by the photographic method: an accomt of the principal techniciues and discoveries illustrated by an atlas of photomicrographs. By C.F.Powell, P.H-.Fowler and D.H.Perkins. pp. xvi. + 669. Illustrations, diagrams, charts andtabres. fol. London [Wtirzburg printed], 1959.

    Card ID: 50

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    Author: POWELL (Cecil Frank)


    B7 Pow POWELL (Cecil Frank). Selected papers...Edited by E.H.S. Burhop, W.O. Lock, M.G.K. Menon. With a tribute by Victor F. Weiaskopf. pp. xiii, 1.55. Bibi., port. and illus. Amterdnm and London, 1972.

    Card ID: 51

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    Author: POWELL (Cecil Frank)


    POWELL (Cecil Frank) and CCCHIILLI1I (GP.S.) Nuclear physics in photographs: tracks of charged particles in photographic emulsions. pp. xii. + 124. Illustrations, dgns and charts. 8°. Oxford, 1947.

    Card ID: 52