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POTTS Thomas potts (thomas) (2)
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POTTS, Thomas
Author: POTTS (Thomas)
POTTS (Thomas), Esc.uire, cf Chancery Laneq Potts’s Discovery of witches in the county of Lancaster, reprinted from the original edition of 1613, [Manchesterl , l84. See AANCHESTER. Chetharn Societ. Remains, . No.6.
Card ID: 285
I fv POTTS (Thomas), E uire, of Chancery Lane. The Trial of the Lancaster witches, A.D. MDCXII. (The Wonderftll diseoverie of witches in the countie of Lancaster. With the arraignement and trial). of nineteene notorious witches... Together with the arraignement and trial). of Iennet Preston...Published and set forth by T.Pott.s. 1613,12.) Edited, with an introduction, by G.B.Harrison. pp. xlvi. + (2) + 188. Illustration. 8. London, 1929. [1riotber copy.] L- L ‘ 61*SI
Card ID: 286