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POTTER George a:be george|k:0208 (6)
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POTTER, George
POTTER, Ambrose George
POTTER, George Reuben
POTTER, George William
WAKEFIELD, George Potter
CAVE, George Potter arid MA, Janetl
Author: POTTER (George)
POTTER (George), Pub,1isher. See MONThLY RECORD OF EMINENT MEN. The Month1r record of eminent men,.. Edited by G. Potter. London, 1891.
Card ID: 171
Author: POTTER (Ambrose George)
sj POTTER (Ambrose George). A Bib1iographr of the Rubáiyát of Ornar ayyárn, together with kindred matter in prose and. verse pertaining thereto. Collected. and. arranged by A. G. Potter. pp. xiii. + 313. 8°. London, 1929. No. L49 of 300 cooies printed. - 1Y-J LAnother copy.] LIRp 0fi Np, ê4o_Q copies on special paper, signed PL the coiapiier.
Card ID: 137
Author: POTTER (George Reuben)
- - : c ç,’, POTTER (George Reuben). - Editing Donne and Pope: papers delivered by G.R.Potte and J.Butt at the.first Clark Library Seminar, 22 November 1952. pp. 23. 80. Los Angel, [1953]. One of the aeries: William Andrews Olark Memorial Library Seminar Papers.
Card ID: 173
Author: POTTER (George William)
ZirD Pot POTTER (George William), a Trustee of the Wells and Can2pden Charit llauipstead Wells: a short history of their rise and decline. xii, 118, (2). Front., il2as. and tables. 8°. London l9OZi.
Card ID: 180
Author: WAKEFIELD (George Potter)
ThGD Wak WAKEFIELD (George Potter). Othe11o [by] W.Shakespeare. (Notes on Er.€liSh Literature.) pp. 7. Bib1iography 80. O)cford, 1968,
Card ID: 190
Author: CAVE (George Potter) arid MA1 (Janetl)
TRP LI cay CAVE (George Potter) arid MA1 (Janetl).) Iejceter Trustee Savings 1817-1967: (a history of the first 150 years). pp. 30. Plates. fLeicester, 19681.
Card ID: 519