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PORTER Henry a:e henry|k:e (or) (3)
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Author: PORTER (Henry)
cCirj SstIt3 PORTER (Henry), Dramatist, The Two angry women of Abington...Edited by A. Dye e. London, 1841. LONDON. [III. LliceI1axeous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Percy Society. Early &iglish poetry, etc. Vol. 5.
Card ID: 189
PS7G- PORTER (Henry). The Pleasant bistorie of the two arigrie women of Abington, . [A type—facsimile of the edition of 1599, prepared by W.W.Greg (The Malojje Socjy Repirits.) pp. xii • + (92). Facsimiles. 4. [Oxford printed, 1913J. 3 ‘1P- iAnother copy.]
Card ID: 190
PORTER (Henry). The Pleasant history of the two angry women of Abington. Vith the hunros mirth of Dioke Coomos and Nicholas Prouerbos, tvvo Soruingmen. As it was lately layde by the rit Honorable the Earle of Nottingham, Lord high Admirall his seruants. [A comedy in verse an prose.1 ffleprint..] See DODSLEY (fl.) A Select, collection of old English plays.. Fourth edition. Vol.VII. pp. 261—383. London, 1874.
Card ID: 191