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PORTER Arthur a:by arthur|k:0357 (3)
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PORTER, Arthur
ARTHUR, Sir William Porter
ARTHUR, SiWiuiam Porter
Author: PORTER (Arthur)
tL4(J PORTER (Arthur). The Control of processes...Inaugural lecture as Professor of Light Electrical Engineering, 13th March, 1956. pp. 18. Plates and diagms [London, 1956). See LONDON. [III.) University of London. Imperia College of Science and Pechnology. Inovura], lectures, 1955—1956.
Card ID: 152
Author: ARTHUR (Sir William Porter)
! ! MacARTHUR (Sir William Porter). The Appin murder [i.e. the murder of Cohn Campbell] and the trial of James Stewart: a new survey of a historic mystery. (Second impreG8ion.) Iwith a bibliography.] pp. 118. Folded map. 8°. London, 961.
Card ID: 450
Author: ARTHUR (SiWiuiam Porter)
MacARTHUR (SiWiuiam Porter). § ENGLAND.. UJiscelJ.aneous Subbeadings.J British Medical Association. 1Britisb Medical Journal. War wounds end air raid casualties. Articles republished from the British Medical Journal, etc. (Foreword by Sir W.MacArt.) Londor, 1939.
Card ID: 452