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PORTER Anna Maria porter (anna maria) (3)
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PORTER, Anna Maria
R, Jane and, Anna Maria
Author: PORTER (Anna Maria)
PORTER (Anna Maria). Don Sebastian; or, the House o Bragan3a: an historical romance. pp. 1462. 12°. London, [18381. With a second, engraved titlepage.
Card ID: 146
PORTER (Anna Maria). The Lake of Killarney: a novel...New edition. pp. 350. Frontispiece. 12°. London, 18L1.9. With a second, engraved titlepage.
Card ID: 148
Author: R (Jane) and (Anna Maria)
( x) J& rJ PORT]R (Jane) and (Anna Maria). Coming out, and The field o± the forty footsteps. By Jane and Anna Maria Porter. 3 vols. 12°. London, 1828. Coming Out” is by A.M.Porter and “The Field or the Forty Footsteps’by j.Porter.
Card ID: 210