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PORNY Marc Antoine a:e antoine|k:e (or) (2)
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PORNY, Marc Antoine
Author: PORNY (Marc Antoine)
PORNY (Marc Antoine), peud. [i.e. Antoine PYBON DEl 2AARTRE.] The Elements of hera1dry...Thbellished with... cuts and.. .copper—plates. . .To which is annexed, a dictionary of the technical terms macic uce of in hcraldry...The foirth edition, corrected. pp. xxiv. + 284 + (76). 80. London, 1787.
Card ID: 485
kio PORNY (Marc Antoine), pseud. [i. e. Antoine Pyron DU MARTRE] Syllabaire françois; or, a French spelling—book. To whoh are a.nnexed..,essa,ys on introduction to French graixnar, a vocabu1.rr... Twentieth edition, coirected. pp0 v. + 3) + 172. 0 London, 1824.
Card ID: 486