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POPE Robert Martin on (robert) (5)
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POPE, Robert Martin
FITZGAIL, George Robert
HVE, Frederick Augustus
CABTHY, Nary Josefa
No Author available
Author: POPE (Robert Martin)
DEPOSITORY POPE (Robert Martin). Here and there In the historic Near East: impressions & reflections, 1918—1919. pp. 156. Plates. and folded map. 8°. London, 1923.
Card ID: 282
Author: FITZGAIL (George Robert)
L9lev Mac FITZGAIL (George Robert). See MacCPJThf (Mary Josefa), L5L3y. Fighting Fitzgerald (George Robert Fitzgerald ), and other papers. (I. Pope’s ISporus?: John, Lord Hervey.— II. The E.rl Bishop: Frederick Hervey, l4th Earl of Brislxl, Bishop of Derry,- III. Fighting Fitzgerald: George Robert Fitzgerald. IV.- ‘Humanity Martin’.- Richard Martin of Bellinahinch, Connemara.) London, 1930.
Card ID: 483
Author: HVE (Frederick Augustus)
L9iev Mac HVE (Frederick Augustus), -r1.oL Bria o1, .c.cessivey Bishop of Cloyne and of Perry. See ?acCARTRY (Mary Josefa), Lady. Fighting Fitzgerald (George Robert Fitzgerald), and other papers. (I. Pope ‘a ‘Sporus’: John, Lord ierrey.- II. The ErJ. Bishop: Frederick I{ervey, l4th Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry.- III. Fighting Fitzgerald: George Robert Fitzgerald. IV,- ‘Humanity Martin’.- Richard Martin of Beilin&iinch, Connemara.) London, 1930.
Card ID: 100
Author: CABTHY (Nary Josefa)
L9ev Mac MacCABTHY (Nary Josefa), Lady. Fighting Fitzgerald (George Robert Fitzgerald), and other papers. (I. Pope ‘s ‘Sporus’: John, Lord Rervey.- IX. The Earl Bishop: Frederick Kervey, Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry.- III. Fighting Fitzgerald: George Robert Fitera1d. XV.- Humanity Martin’.- Richard Martin of Bellinahinch, Connemara.) pp. 230. Bibi., plates. London, 1930.
Card ID: 409
Author: No Author available
L94cv Mac MPTfl (Richard),.p. - See L4aoCARTHY (Mary Josefa), Lady. Fighting Fitzgerald (George Robert Fitzgerald), and. other papers. (I. Pope’s ‘Sporus’: John, Lord Hervey.- II. The Ear). Bishop: Frederick Kervey, 4th Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry.- III, Fighting Fitzgerald: George Robert Fitzgerald. IV.- ‘Huianity Martin’.- Richard Martin of Bellinahinch, Connemara.) London, 1930.
Card ID: 424