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POOR Charles Lane in (charles) (2)



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    Author: POOR (Charles Lane)


    POOR (Charles Lane). Nautical science in it,s relation to racia1 navigation, together with a story of the tides and tidal ourrents...Iliustrated. pp. xi + 32q. Tables. CR. 0.] 8°. New Yor1 and Londoi, 1910.

    Card ID: 33

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    Author: POOR (Charles Lane)


    PPà51To RY POOR (Charles Lane). Gravitation versus relativity: a non-4eohnioal explanation of the ftzndamental principles of gravitational sstrofloxøy and a critical examination of the astronomical evidence cited as proof of the generalized theory of relativity... With a preliminary essay by T.C.Ohamberlin. Illustrated. pp. xxiv. ÷ 277. 8°. Iievz York and London, 1922.

    Card ID: 32