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POOLE John a:i i john|k:to (john) (9)
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Author: POOLE (John)
Malcolm Morley , CollectIon POOLE (John), Dr.rnatIst. The Atonement; or, the God-daughter: a drama In two acts. nd. DICKS (John). DIcks’ SlandaM Plays, 160.
Card ID: 519
Malcolm Morley CollectIon POOLE (John), DssnatIst. IntrIgue: a oocd.c Interlude In one act. [1880?) § DICKS (John). DIcks’ standard plays, 315.
Card ID: 522
Malcolm Morley CollectIon 24z POOLE (John), DramatIst, Paul Pry: a comedy In three acts. n.d, LACY (Thomas HaIles). Lacy’s (French’s) actIng edItIon, 222.
Card ID: 526
Malcolm Morley CollectIon POOLE (John), Drarnatjst, Paul Pry: a comedy In three acts. [1880?] DICKS (Tohn). DIcks’ Standard Plays, 321.
Card ID: 527
£vIatcolm Morley CollectIon / POOLE (John), ItIt. A SoldIer’s courtshIp; or, Love at fIrst sIght: a conedy In one act. [1880?] DICKS (John). OIck’ 6tandard play-s, 343.
Card ID: 531
Malcolm Morley 2 Co1lectIOt POOLE (John), DramatIst, TrIbulatIon; or, Unvelcorne vIs±tors; a conedy Intvoacts. [1888.] DICKS (John). DIcks’ standard plays, 960.
Card ID: 532
Malcolm Morley CollectIon POOLE (John), DnatIEt. TurnIng the tables: a farce In one act, [I 883?] See DICKS (John). DIcks’ standard plays, 380.
Card ID: 533
Malcolm Morley CollectIon POOLE (John), DramatI. The WIfe’s stratagem; or, Mere frIghtened thIn hurt: a conedy In three acts. Altered from ShIrley’ a ‘Gameater. [I 884.,j DICKS (John). DIcks’ StIzlard Plays, 567.
Card ID: 536
‘I’M I_7 POOLE (John), DramatIst. See SHA(ESPEARE (WIllIam). [Hamlet. - TravestIes.: Hamlet traveatIe. In three acts. WIth burlesque annotatIons after the manner of Dr. Johnson and Geo. Steevens, Esq. and the varIous commentators by J. Poole. Londo, 1817.
Card ID: 537