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POLO Marco a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (15)



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    Author: POLO (Marco )


    POLO (Marco ) En1ish.] The Cirioua and remarkable voyages and. travels of Marco POlOg etc. See PINKERTON (J.) A General collection of...voyages, etc. Vol.7, pp. 101—178. London, 1808-14.

    Card ID: 434

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    DEPOSITORY POLO (Marco). [English.] The nook of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and ma.Lvels of the ast. Newly translated and edited, with notes, by H. Yule...Iith maps and other illustrations. 2 vols. 80. London, 1871. [Another copy] I ct’s D°o’ o EI Second edition, revised, etc. 2 vols. — [D-L.L.J London, 1875, 1SE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 435

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    POLO (Marco). Tglish.] The Book of Ser Marco Polo, Lcontinued.] Third edition, revised throughout in the light of recent discoveries by H.Cordier. With a niornor of Henry Yule by his daughtez A.F.Yft].e La list of his writings and a bibliography, 2 vols. Portraits, plates, £simi1es illustrations? aps, p1_ diagráins and tables. 0 8. London, 1903. (.SEE NEXT C4RD. j

    Card ID: 436

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    F,rr POLO (Marco), En1ish.J The Book of Ser Marco Polo, . IContinued. j —Ser Marco Polo: notes arid addenda to Sir Henry Yule’s edition, containing the results of recent research and discovery. By it.Cordier. With frontispiece. pp. x. + 161. 0 8 London, 1920.

    Card ID: 437

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    CEPOS1TORY POLO (Marco). [En1ih.) Voyages and travels of Marco Polo. [Edited by H. Uorley.J (Cassell’s National Library.) pp. 192. 160. London 1886.

    Card ID: 438

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    DEPOSITORY POLO (Marco). (English. J The Most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo...into the east parts of the world, as Armenia, Persia, Arabia, Tartary, with many other kingdoms and provinces. The translation of Marsden revised by T.Wright. pp. xxxix. + (2) + L161. Portrait.and maps. 8°. London and Jew_York,190L4. With a second engravcd title page.

    Card ID: 440

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    E1m1olc’ POLO (Marco). £R1ieh The Most noble and. famous travels of iiarco Polo together with the travels of Nicolb cle Conti. Edited from the Elizabethan translation of J. Prampton with introduction, notes and. appendixes by N. M. Penzer. pp. 1x.+ 381. Plate, maps and facsimile. 8°. London, 1929. Edition limited to lOO copies, of v’hich this is no. 698.

    Card ID: 441

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    ST!RU!G LICRiRV IJJ i’/?io( It/’- F,CE ONL’ POLO (Marco). [g1ish.] The Travels of Marco Polo. [Translated by W.Marsden.J Revised and d.Lted, with an introduction, by M.Komroff. Illustrations by N,F.Lapshin. 2 vols. 8°. limited Editions Club: ew York, 1934. No. 518 of 1500 copies. Signed by the artist. S.L.O, III. 372.

    Card ID: 442

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    I L34 POL eference only POLO (Marco). [French.] 11 Miliorie. Prim9. edizione integrale, a cura di L, Benedet,to. (Comitato Geografico Nazionale It,aliano. Pubblicazione N. 3.) pp. ccxvii. + 281 ÷ (3). Facsimiles. fol. P1orence t928. Edition limited to 6oo copies, of which this is No.t.1

    Card ID: 443

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    D Post TORY POLO (Marco). [Ita1i.) I Viaggi di I1arco Polo veneziano tradotti per la prima volta da1l’origirale francese d Rusticlano di Pisa e corredauj d’illustrazioni e di docuiucnti da V. Lazari. Pubblicati per cura di L. Pasini. ‘lith a bibliographyj pp. lxiv. + -8ki. Folded rap. 8°. Venice, 18+7.

    Card ID: 445

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    DEPOSflORy POLO (Marco). ______ Ii I&iljone. A cura di R.Caddeo. Introduzione di R.Allulli. Note, corte e incisioni. (Viaggi.e Scooert, 1.) pp. 227. Plates and folded mao 80. &ilanL 1954.

    Card ID: 446

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    Author: POLO (Marco)


    B993G POLO (Marco). See BNE (Brian Oavalcj Donn). Meser Marco Polo. . .Iilustrated by C.B. FBflB. New York, 1921.

    Card ID: 450