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POLEY Edward Barzillai a:c 3 |k:c(c) (1)
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POLEY, Edward Barzillai
Author: POLEY (Edward Barzillai)
, •‘_tr1 Y POLEY (Edward Barzillai). The -Iouse of De is Pnerai: the annals of the family, which was, fVorn the Conquest to 15L.8, seated at Ben çBerry ?omeroy, in Devonshire and from c. 1620 to 1719 resident at Sandridge in Stoke Gabriel in that county.. The etatus of the Lords of Ben, their castle home. Together with many other notices of scions of the House and of other bearers of the De la Pomerai name. With appendix: 1720 onwards. [With a bibliography.) pp. xxiii. + (3) + l3Li. + (2). Plates and tables. 4°. London, 19LL 110. 51 of an editio2 to 250 copies. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 311