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POLE Reginald a:p •|k:p (will) (6)
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POLE, Reginald
Author: POLE (Reginald)
‘J- 4 R i ‘ F POLE (Reginald), card..A. Epistolarurn Reginaldi Poli S.R.E. Cardinalis et aliorum ad ipsurnpars I (—v) [edited by A.M.Quirinij. . .Prmittuntur animadvcrsiones in epist. J.G.Schelhornii, vita Cardinalis poli [by L.Beccadelii, with a Latin trarlion by A.Dudith], & qudarn hujus scripta, atque diatriba ad. easdem epistolas. 5 vols. Portrait and illustrations. °. Brescia, 1744—57.
Card ID: 7
Pou Crct) POLE (Reginald), Cardinal. Causes of Christian disunion: Cardinal Pole’s legatine address at the opening of the Council of Trent, 7 January, 1546...[Translation by V. McNabb.J Reprinted...from the Dublin Review of January 1936. pp. 15. 8°. London, 1936.
Card ID: 8
‘J F’L POLE (Reginald), Cardinal. De Conoilio liber. (De Baptisvio Constantini Magni.) [Edited by P.Manutius.J (Reformatlo Angliae ex decretis R.Poli, Sedie Apostolicae Legati, anno 1.D.LVI) [A facsimile reprint of the original editions, published in Rome by Paulus Manutius in 1562.) 2 vols. in 1. 8. [London, Belgium printed, 1962.]
Card ID: 9
POLE (Reginald), dinal - A Dialogue between Cardinal Polo and Thomas Lupset. . .By P. Starke. ee LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies — to.] r1y)J.ish Text 3ooie. LPub1iotions.J Etra Series. 12. England in the reign of King Henry the Eighth. Part 2. London, 1871.
Card ID: 10
Pocw POLE (Reginald), Cardinal. Reforniatio Angliae ex decretis R.Poli, Sedis Apostolicae Legati, anno M.D.LVI. [A facsimile reprint of the original edition, published in Rome by P.Manutius in 1562..j [London, Belgium printed, 1962.] See supra: De Concilio liber.
Card ID: 12
1 rJLi :3 Co-k POLE (Reginald), Cardinal. C., J.P. Nine historical letters of the reign of Henry VIII, written by Reginald Pole, Thomas Cromwell, Michael Throcorton and Thomas Starkey, eto; London, printed for private circulation only, 1871.
Card ID: 14