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POINCAR Raymond Nicolas Landry poincar (raymond nicolas landry) (5)



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    Author: POINCAR (Raymond Nicolas Landry)


    co POINCAR (Raymond Nicolas Landry), Pesi.ent the Frençi_Repubic. How France is goverried...Translated by B. Miall. pp. 37 + (1). - - 8°. London, 1913.

    Card ID: 296

  • card

    Author: POINCAR (Raymond Nicolas Landry)


    POINCAR (Raymond Nicolas Landry), President o the French Rcub1ic. Ce que demande la cit (vlngt causeries familières . . .Illustrations. pp, (5) + 112 + (2L 8°. [k 1912.]

    Card ID: 294

  • card

    Author: POINCAR (Rtyiiond Nicolas Landry)


    POINCAR (Rtyiiond Nicolas Landry), Presjdent 2 the French Republic. Raymond Poincar4: a sketch. pp. (7) + 169. Portraits and folded chart. 8°. don, 1914.

    Card ID: 298

  • card

    Author: POINCAR (Raymond Nicolas Landry)


    POINCAR (Raymond Nicolas Landry), President of the Frnch Republic. Au service de la France: neuf annes de souvenirs, etc. 10 vols. Portraits andplates. 0 S. Paris, [1945—1946]. 1. Le Lendetnain d’Agadir, 1912. 2. Les Balkans en feu, 1912. 5. LEurope sous les armes, 1913. 4. L’Union sacre, 1914. 5. L’Invasion, 1914. 6. Les Tranch4es, 1915. 7. Guerre de sige, 1915. 8. Verdun, 1916. 9. L’Anne trouble, 10117. 10. Victoire et 3rmistice, 1918.

    Card ID: 293

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    ce (j.ct) POINCARF (Raymond Nicolas Landry), Presi4cntof the French Republic. Ronmiage national a Raymond Poincar [on the occasion of the unveiling of the national nonumeht to him at Bar—le—Duc]. pp. 56. Portraits. V V 8°. [Paris, 1951].

    Card ID: 295