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POGUE Joseph Ezekiel a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (8)
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POGUE, Joseph Ezekiel
GILBERT, Chester Garfield and POGUE, Joseph Ezekiel
GILEERT, Chester GarI’ield and POGUE, Joseph Ezekiel
Author: POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel)
POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel). Sulphur: an example of industrial independence. Washiton, 1917. WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). United States National -- - .-..... Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 102. The Mineral industries of the United States. Part 3.
Card ID: 242
POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel). Coal: the resource and its full utilization. By C.G.GiThert and J.E,Pogue. Washington, 1918. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). United _Sats National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Mueum. 102. The Mineral industries of the United States. Part 4.
Card ID: 235
DLPOs’ToaT POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel).. The Energy resources of the United §tates. By C.G.Gi1bert and J.E.Fogue. Washington, 1919. See WASHINGTON (cOLu’tBIA). United States National TIuseum. Bulletin of the United States National Museuni. 102. The Mineral industries of the United States. Vol. 1.
Card ID: 237
POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel), Fertilizers: an interpretation of the situation in the United States. Washinto, 1917. See WASHINGTON (coLuMJ3m). United States National Luseum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 102. The Mineral industries of the United States. Part 2.
Card ID: 238
POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel). Power: its signIficance and needs. By C.G.Gilbert arid J.E.Pogue. Washington, 1918. WASHINGTON (COLtJMBIA). United Stae National Museum. Thilletiri of the United States National Museum. 102. The Mineral industries of the United States, Part 5.
Card ID: 241
Author: GILBERT (Chester Garfield) and POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel)
DLPQàfl VAil GILBERT (Chester Garfield) and POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel). Coal: the resource and its ftill utilization. Washington, 1918. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 102. The Mineral industries of the United States. Part 4.
Card ID: 57
DEPOSITORY GILBERT (Chester Garfield) and POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel). The Energy resources of the United States: a field for reconstruction. WashIngton, 1919. ç WASHINGTON (CLu1tBIA). United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 102. The Mineral Industries of the United States. Vol. 1.
Card ID: 58
Author: GILEERT (Chester GarI’ield) and POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel)
REPOSITORY GILEERT (Chester GarI’ield) and POGUE (Joseph Ezekiel). Power: its signifiane and needs. Washington, 1918. See WASHINTON (COLuMBIA). United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. W2. The Mineral industries of the United States. Part 5.
Card ID: 60