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PLESSIS Joseph Octave a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (3)
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PLESSIS, Joseph Octave
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Author: PLESSIS (Joseph Octave)
-‘ r’’ ‘DEPOSLTORY PLESSIS (Joseph Octave), Bishop o_Quçb. Discours a 1occasion de la victoire remporte par les forces navales de Sa Majeste Britannique dens la Méditerrannee le I et2 Aout, 1798, sur la -f-1-otte -rançoise.Prononce--dans 1 eglise cathOr.1e de Quebec le 10 Janvier 1799, etc. pp. 2. 8°. Quebec, (19O].
Card ID: 339
Author: No Author available
DEPOSITORY JULY CE LGEBINIkRE (Sir Henri 0.) See’ PLESSIS (Joseph Octave),, Bishop of Quebec. Thanksiving sermon for the victory of Great Britain at the Battle of’ the Nile...Translated from the Rrench by Sir H.Joly de Lotbinière. Quebec, 1906.
Card ID: 133
DEPOSIToRC. PLESSIS (Joseph Octave), Bishopof uebec. Thanksgiving sermon for the victory of Great Britain at the Battle of the Nile. Preached in the Cathedral at Quebec, January 10th., 1399.. .Translated from the French by Sir H. Joly de Lot.binière. 1.With a blbliography..J pp. 40. 8°. Quebec, 1906.
Card ID: 340