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PLAYFAIR John to (john) (7)



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    Author: PLAYFAIR (John)


    PLAYFAIR (John). Dissertation second, [Continued.] [Another edition.] See STEWART (D.) Dissertations on the history of metaphysical and ethical, and of iatheinatical and physIcal science. By...J.Playfair, . Edinbur, 185.

    Card ID: 188

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    Author: PLAYFAIR (John)


    PLAYFAIR (John). Diszertation second, [Continued.] —[Another edition.) See ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. Encyclopaedia Britannica, etc. —Suo.plernent to he fourth, fifth and sixth editions, ç. Vol. 2. jrnbur, 1824. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 187

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    Author: AIR (John)


    LP PLAYF’AIR (John).. Cata1ogue of the library of...J. Playfair, comprising. . .mathema.tioa..l, philosophical, and miscellaneous books, maps, &o., &c. With a few philosophical instruments. To--be-sold. by •auctlionA. .by-Mr. Ballantyne. on Thursday the 20th of January, 1820, and ensuing days, 2• pp. (8) ÷ io6. [De M.j 8°. Edinburg 1820.

    Card ID: 185

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    Author: No Author available


    B.P. PLAYFAIR (John). Observations on a passage in Mr. PlayValr’s letter to the Lord Provost of Edinburgh relative to the mthematica1 preteasions of the Scottish clergy. [By Thomas Chalmers.} pp. 48. [De -M.] 8°. Cupar—Fife, 1805.

    Card ID: 190

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    Author: No Author available


    ru7 L LONDON. London Sooiety_ for tbe_Exensio of Urersit Toao1ing. Aspects of modern study: being University Extension Addresses by Lord Playfair, Canon Browne, Mr. Gosohen, Mr. John Mor1er, Sir Jwnes Paget, Profrssor Max M11er, the Duke of Argyll, the Bishop of Durham and Professor Jebb. [Edited with a preface by R. D. Robert.1 (First edition, reprinted.) pp. viii. ‘+ 157.. 8°. London, 1895.

    Card ID: 576

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    Author: No Author available


    C t t%?O43 Qt1. PLAYFAIR (John). Dissertation second, exhibiting a general view of the progress of mathematical and ohysical science, since th reviv.l of letters in Europe. ? parts in 1 vol. [G.G.] 40• [inbug, 1824]. Thjs work foridpartQf.the suv1ementtthe fou4th —s.xLh dit4ons pf Jhe Encvciooaedia Br i tari.n j. jjawith $TEWAT CD. ) Disstaton first. 1824. [sEE NEXT CARD. I

    Card ID: 186

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    Author: ROBERTS (Robert Davies)


    JU? Lon ROBERTS (Robert Davies). See WIDON. London Society for the Extension of University Toaching. Aspects of modern study: being University Extension Addresses by Lord Playfair, Canon Brone, Mr. Goachen, Mr. John Morley, Sir James Paget, Professor Max MUller, the Duke of try1l, the Bishop of Durham and Professor Jebb. [Edited with a preface by 1.D. Roberts.J (First edition, reprinted.) London, 1895.

    Card ID: 275