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PLANCH James Robinson a:q i john|k:to (john) (3)
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PLANCH, James Robinson
Author: PLANCH (James Robinson)
Malcolm Morley CollectIon PLANCH (James RobInson). A CabInet questIons a comIc drama In one act, (1887.] § DICKS (Jo). DIcks’ standard p1ays, 889.
Card ID: 489
Malcolm Muttey2 o CollectIon 2 PLANCH (James RobInson). The InvIsIble prInce; or, the Island of tranquIl delIghts: a grand faIry extravaganza In one act, [1s9]. L(ICY (ThonIas HaIles). Lacys (French’s) actIng edItIon, 277.
Card ID: 514
Malcolm Morley q CollectIon PLANCH (James RobInson). ProatotIon; or, a HornIng at VersaIlles: a vaudevIlle In one act. [I 87.] DICKS (John). DIcks’ standard plays, 893.
Card ID: 532