
Search Term (count):

PISAN Christine de a:if john|k:in (john) (4)



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    Author: PISAN (Christine de)


    Lv, 1? PISAN (Christine de). [Epistre dOthea a Hector.— ig{1sh.] The Epistle of Othea to Hector; or, the Boke of knyghthode. Translated from the French of Christine de Pisan, with a dedication to Sir John Fasto1, KG. by a.Scrope. Edited from a manuscript In the library of the .1arquis of Bath by G.F.Warner. Londp, 1904. See LONDON. [III.] Poxbur_ghe Club. [pu.ications 141.1

    Card ID: 375

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    Author: No Author available


    po_ Ic-i._ LONDON. Roxburghe Club. [publications.J 141. The Epistle of Othea to Hector; or, the BoRe of knygbthode. Translated from the French oE Christine de Pisan, with a dedication to Sir John Fastoif, K.G., by Stephen Scrope. Edited from a manuscript in the library of the Marquis of Bath pp. xlvii. + 128. 40. London, 104.

    Card ID: 664

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    Author: SCROPE (Stephen)


    ‘ * 4- SCROPE (Stephen). See LONDON. [III.] Roxburghe Club. publications.] 141. The Epistle of Othea to Rector; or, the Boke of knyghthode. Translated froEl the French of Christine de Pisan, with a dedication to Sir John Fastoif, K.G., by Stephen Scrope. Edited from a manuscript in the library of the Marquis of Bath by G.F.Warner. Iondon, 1904.

    Card ID: 113

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    Author: WARNER (Sir George Frederic)


    1) j 1 I I I WARNER (Sir George Frederic). LONDON. [III.] floxburghe Club. Lpublications.] 141. The Epst1e of Othea to Hector; or, the Boke of knyghthode. Translated from the French of Christine de Pisan, with a dedication to Sir John Fastoif, X.G. by Stephen Scrópe. Edited from a manuscript in the library of the 1tarquis of Bath by G.F.Warner London, 1904.

    Card ID: 271