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PINERO Sir Arthur Wing a:pinero arthur wing|k:pinero ( arthur wing) (6)
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PINERO, Sir Arthur Wing
PINERO, Sir arthur wing
Author: PINERO (Sir Arthur Wing)
PINERO (Sir Arthur Wing). Browiling as a dramatist. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Sooietdes, eto.] pya1 Society of Literature. Academic Committee. Browning’s centenary, etc. pp. 7—20. London, 1912.
Card ID: 211
PINERO (Sir Arthur Wing). Mid—Channel: a play in four acts. pp. 251. 0 16 . London, 1911.
Card ID: 224
\fQ PINERO (Sir Arthur Wing). Preserving Nr. Pamnure: a comic p1a,r in ftur acts. pp. 296. 16. London, 1912.
Card ID: 228
Author: PINERO (Sir arthur wing)
P’5Gr PINERO (Sir Arthur Wing). The Times: a comedy in four aot,s, etc. pp. 192. V 0 16 . London, [1915.1
Card ID: 237
Yc2 PINERO (Sir Arthur Wing). Trelawny of the ‘1Wells”: a comedietta in four act5. (The P1ayof A.W.Pinero.) pp. 215. 80. ondo, 1917.
Card ID: 238
YO P65a Laz PINERO (Sir Arthur Wing). &! LAZENBY (Walter). Athur Wing Pinero. New York, 1972.
Card ID: 245