
Search Term (count):

PIE Robert a:in robert|k:0233 (2)



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    Author: PIE (Robert)


    ROC Sha SR1PIE (Robert). Toward the weil-being of mankind; fifty years of the Rockefeller Foundstion Text by BShapleri. Foreword by J,Gjerrar, Edited by A.B.Tourtellot. pp,ix. + 21 Portraits and illustrations, fol. Garden City1 LY., l961.

    Card ID: 124

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    Author: PIE (Wallace Spencer) anã pc (Antony Robert)


    folio 53 DMzg Pit PIE (Wallace Spencer) anã pc (Antony Robert). The Geolor of 1regal: a study of granite eip1a cement and nroofin. (Reg±onal Geo1o’ Series.) p. xii, L4.35. Libl., il].us • unct raJx3. New York, 1972. Two folded ps are contained in arc. end-pocket.

    Card ID: 493