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PICART Bernard picart (bernard) (2)
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PICART, Bernard
CART, Bernard
Author: PICART (Bernard)
x1n-i E61 • PICART (Bernard). BOILEAU DESPRAUX (Nicolas). Oeuvres. . . Nouvelle edition... Enrichie de figures gravées d’dprès les des— seins du fameux Picart le Roniain, etc. • Aiierdam, 1772.
Card ID: 88
Author: CART (Bernard)
H P1CART (Bernard). A COllection of print8 from the most celebrated painters, viz. Rafael, Guido, Carlo Maratti, Poussin, Ieaibrandt, &c. Engraved...with a diecourse on the prejudices of certain critics, in regard to engraving, by B. Picart...With a short account of his life. pp. (2) + 8 + (2) + (6) plates. fol. kondon, to. 1790].
Card ID: 87