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PIAGET Jean a:et jean de|k:et (jean de) (2)



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    Author: PIAGET (Jean)


    ALS PIAGET (Jean). Classes, relations etnombres: easai sur les groupements de la J..ogistique et sur la reversibi1it de la pens4e. (!tudes de Psvcholoie et de Phi1osothI, )+J pp. 323. 8°. Paris, 19).,2.

    Card ID: 543

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    Author: PIAGET (Jean)


    IvF P ia PIAGET (Jean). Judgwent and reasoning in the child. By Jean Piaget in collaboration with E.Cartalis, S.Escher. A.1!anhart, L.Hahn1oer, 0.Matthes, S.Perret, and M.Roud. (Translated by Marjorie Warden.) (International Library of Pscho1or, ?hiloojy and Scientific Method.) pp. 260. London and New York, 1928. (Fifth impression.) pp. 260. London, 1969. [Another copy.] ‘i “p

    Card ID: 547