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PHILLIPS Gerald William a:as william|k:it (william) (4)
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PHILLIPS, Gerald William
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Author: PHILLIPS (Gerald William)
L”- W’ r4fri tc - PHILLIPS (Gerald William). Surilight on Shakespeare’s sonnets. Attempt to prove, by evidence deduced from a re—arrangement of the sonnets, that, Edward De ‘(ere, Earl of Oxford, was the author.] pp. 202. 5. London, 193.
Card ID: 558
Author: No Author available
L 51.j PHILLIPS (Gerald William). Shake spears sonnets. [A chronologiéal scheme, based on the Oxford theory.] Addressed to members of the Shakespeare Fellowship. pp. 25. 8°. [Cambri4ge, privately printed,. 1954.
Card ID: 557
U k4pc,c -[t.! -$e PHILLIPS (Gerald William). The Tragic story of “Shakespeare, disclosed in the Sonnets; and the life of Edward de Vere, Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, etc. pp. ix. + 2). [DZ.L.j 5°. London, 192.
Card ID: 559
1’ i kc&ic. O;qt PkI1J SHAKES?EARE (William). [Apperdix. — Shakespeare-Oxford Controversy.] See PHILLIPS (Gerald W.) Shake spears sonnets. [A chronologlcal scheme, based on the Oxford theory.] Addressed 1o nenbers of the Sh&kes?eare Fellowship. • - [Cambridg, privately printed]., 1954.
Card ID: 56