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PHILLIPPS James Orchard a:r john|k:to (john) (22)



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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    HALLIWELL, afterwards HALLIWELL—PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). . I3r1e .ccount of the life, writings, and inventions of SirSamue1 Morland, etc. - Cabride, 1838, MORLAND (Sir S.), Bart.

    Card ID: 5

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    (c -‘ HALLIWELL, ifterwards HALLIWELL—PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). Brief notices of a small number of the Shakespeare rarities that re preserved in the Rustic Wigwam at I-Iollingbury Copse, near Brighton. The second edition. pp. 24. Illustration. 8°.[LOfldOpl, I88. An auto letter from the author to W.Geore is inserted in the front äf the vólune.

    Card ID: 8

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    ‘JJ% — ‘rkAj HALLIWELL afterwards HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). A Catalogue of a small portion of the engravings and drawings illustrative of the life of Shakespeare, preserved in the collection formed by J.O.Halliwell, . pp. 91 + (1). {L.P.] 4°. [London], printed for private reference, 1868.

    Card ID: 12

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    HALLIWELL, afterwards HLLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). A Catalogue of an unique collection of ancient English broadside ballads, printed entirely in the black letter. [Compiled by J. 0. Halliwell—Phiflipps.) On sale by J.R.Smith, etc. Londcp, 1856. See SL1IT1 (John R.)

    Card ID: 13

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    1:- HAMIWELL, afterwards HLLLIWELL—PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). A Collection of letters illustrative of,the progress of science in England from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to that of Charles the Second. Edited by J.O.HaUiwell. pp. xix + 124. IDe u.] 8°. Irri, 1841. No. 2 of the Dubljctin of the Historical Qsiety 0 Science,

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    HALLIWELL afterwards HALLIWELL—PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). Descriptive notices of popular English histories. London, 1848. See LONDON. liii. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Percy Society. Early English poetry, etc. Vol. 23.

    Card ID: 24

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    Cc”) C’o HALLIWELL afterwards HALLJWELL—PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). A Few remarks on the emendation, who sother5 her with painting”, in the play of Cymbeline, discovered by Mr... Collier1. in a cori’ected.copy of .the second. edition of Shakespeare. pp. 15. [D.—L..L.J 80.. 1852. Bound in a vQiume lettered: ShKespera.

    Card ID: 33

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    b—14-’- j 43• - HALLIWELL afterwards HALLIWKLL—PHILLIPPS (James Orchard) New lamps or old? A few additional words... respecting the E and the A in the name of our national dramatist. pp. 23. Facsimile 0 S . Brighton, 1880. Bound in a volume let,tere: Shaxpere or Shakespeare.— I’ialiiwell—Phi11ips. 1879.

    Card ID: 56

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    HALLIWELL afterwards RALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). Notices of fugitive tracts, and chap-books printed at Aldermary Churchyard, Bo Churchyard, etc. London, 1849. LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Eercy Socie. Early English poetry, . Vol. 29.

    Card ID: 60

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    HALLIWELL afterwards HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). Poetical miscellanies from a manuscript collection of the time of James I. Edited by J.O.Ralliwell. London, 1845. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Percy Society. Early English poetry, etc. Vol. 15.

    Card ID: 73

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James Orchard)


    MW 14T HALLI WELL, afterwards HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (James Orchard). Rambles in western Cornwall by the footsteps of the giants, with notes on the Celtic remains of the Land’s &id district and the Islands of Scilly. pp. viii. + 220. 8°. London, i86i.

    Card ID: 75

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    Author: PHILLIPPS (James — Orchard)


    f&I-t HALLIviELL, afterwards HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (James — Orchard). The Stratford records and the Shakespeare auto:types: a brief review of singular delusions that are current at Stratford—on—Avon. By the supposed delinquent (J.O.kIalliwell-Phillipps). pp. 30. 8°. Brighton, 188k,. !CLE - ; tJt — The third edition. pp. 72. 8°. Brighton, 188k,—1885. [s NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 86