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PHILIPS Katharine a:be john|k:to (john) (3)
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PHILIPS, Katharine
M, Sir John
NEILLE, Pierre
Author: PHILIPS (Katharine)
‘- ç / / —, PHILIPS (Katharine), called ‘The lAatchless Orinda’. Poems...To which is added Monsieur Corneille’s Pompey & Horace, tragedies, [translated by K.Philipsj, (The fifth act Cof kiorace) translated by Sir J.Denham.) Vith several other translations out of French. [Edited by Sir C.Cotterell.J 2 parts in I vol. fol. London, 1669. wanting the frontispiece portrait of the author bY Faithorne. This covy has the boolcplate of John Ward (1679? — 1758). [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 291
Author: M (Sir John)
DENKkM (Sir John), the Poet. Fi.,-.-- See PHILIPS (Katharine), called “The IAatch1es - Orizida”. Poems,..To which is added. Monsieur Corneifle’s...Horace, . (The fifth act translated by Sir J. Denham.) London, 1669. — CA reprint.) London, 1678.
Card ID: 20
Author: NEILLE (Pierre)
COiNEILLE (Pierre). Horace, a tragedy. Trsnslated fron Monsieur Corneille. Acts I—IV translatedby K. Philips.J The fifth act translated by ir John Derthani. See PHILIPS (Katharine), called “The Matchle Orinda”. Poems...To which is added Monsieur Cornejile’s.. .Horace, J.LocIpn, 1669. — [A reprint.] Tndon, 1678.
Card ID: 112