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PETTY Sir William a:c william|k:c(c) (5)



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    Author: PETTY (Sir William)


    (“) :> [PttçJ PETTY (Sir William). The Petty—Southwell correspondence, 1676—1687. Edited from the owood papers by the Marquis of Lansdowne. pp. xxxii. + 343. Portraits and plate. 8°. Iondon, 1928.

    Card ID: 288

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    Author: PETTY (Sir William)


    PETTY (Sir William). Further observations upon the Dublin bills or accompts, of the houses, hearths, baptisms and burials in that city The third edition, oorrectd and enlarged. London, 1698. See infra: Several essays in political arithmetick, etc. pp. 4—54.

    Card ID: 294

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    Author: PETTY (Sir William)


    PETTY (Sir William). Observations upon the cities of London and Rome...The second edition, corrected. London, 1699. See infra: Several’.essays in political arithmetick, etc. pji. 99—103.

    Card ID: 295

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    Author: PETTY (Sir William)


    PETTY (Sir William). Observations upon the Dublin bills of mortality, 1681, and the state of that city. See infra: Several essays in political arithnietick, etc. pp. 55—78. Londofl, 1699.

    Card ID: 296

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    Author: PETTY (Sir William)


    MYI PETTY (Sir William). A Topographical index of the parishes and towniands of Ireland in Sir William Petty’s MSS: Barony mps, c. 1655—9 (Bibliothèque Nationale cle Paris, Ponds anglais, Nos. 1 & 2)and Hiberniae delineatic, c.1672. Collected and edited by Y.M.Goblet. fissued’.by tile Irish Manuscripts Commission. jpp.xx.i- 379. 8°. Dublin, 1932.

    Card ID: 298