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PERRY William James a:in william|k:it (william) (4)
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PERRY, William James
PERPX, William James
Author: PERRY (William James)
DEPOsIi’ PERRY (William James). Gods and men: the attainment of immortality. With a bibliographical- note.] (TI Beginniig of Things. Vol. 5.) pp. vii. + 87. 8°. London 1927.
Card ID: 396
PERRY (William James). The Megalithic culttre of Indonesia. [With a bibliography.] (Publications of the Universit of Manchegter. No. CXVIII. Etnöi.ic al er es ffr7 pp. xiii. T98’ i1lustrati’ons and maps. 80. Manchester, 1918.
Card ID: 398
kI-I Per PERRY (William James). The Primordial ocean; an introduct.ory contribution to social psychology. tWith a bibliography..] pp. xi. + 380. 0 8 . London, 193).
Card ID: 400
Author: PERPX (William James)
PERPX (William James). RIVERS (w. H. ].) Sooial organization...dited by W. J. Perry. Londofl, 1926. I. —Third impression. 4. London and New_York, 1932.
Card ID: 401