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PERRY John a:on john|k:0959 (13)



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    Author: PERRY (John)


    PERRY (John), Cpt,mn. SMILES (S.) LL.D. Lives of the engineers, Vol. 1. London, 1861-62. Popular edition, Vol. 1. London, 1904.

    Card ID: 339

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    Author: PERRY (John)


    L-POsIToRy PERRY (John), F.R.S. Practical mathematics summary of ix lectures delivered to working men by J.Perry at the Museum of Practical Geology, Jerinyn Street, February and arch, 1899, with certain exercises supposed to oe worked after every lecture. pp. 172. London, 1910.

    Card ID: 343

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    Author: PERRY (John)


    0) PERRY (John), F.R.S. Spinniüg tops . Revised edition, pta. 1919.

    Card ID: 344

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    Author: PERRY (John)


    PERRY (John), F..R.s. Spinning tops...Pevised edition, with... appendices on the use of gyrostats and the gyro—compass. pp. 155. Iflustra— tions and diagram5. 0 8 . London, 1929. B1YS Per

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: PERRY (John)


    TAVENOR—PERRY (John). § PERRY (J.T.—)

    Card ID: 412

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    Author: BALLANTINE (John Perry)


    BALLANTINE (John Perry). - Relative infinitesimals. See SEATTLE (WAsHINGToN). University of Washinton. University of Washington publications in mathematics. Vol. 2. No. 3. BALLANTINE (J.P.) Six studies in mathematics, etc. pp. 5—27. Seattle, 1940.

    Card ID: 497

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    Author: PERRY (John ITarvey)


    I DEPosTOR’r PERRY (John ITarvey). Taxes, tariffs & subsidies: a history of Canadian fiscal development. I.WIth a bibliography.] 2 vols. Tab1es. 8°. Toronto, l95

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: PERRY (John Tavenor-)


    3 PERRY (John Tavenor-).. Dinanderie: a history and description of medieval art work in copper, brass and bronze.. .With.. .illustrations [and a bibliography]. pp. xii. + 238. 8°. London, 1910.

    Card ID: 354

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    Author: PERRY (Peter John Charles)


    TG3 Per PERRY (Peter John Charles). The Evolution of British msnpower policy from the Statute of rtif leers, 1563, to the Industrial T’rain1n Act, 196k. pp.xx, 329. Tables. London) published by the author, 1916.

    Card ID: 364

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    Author: TATLOCI( (John StTong Perry)


    TATLOCI( (John StTong Perry). The Scene of the Franklin’ a Tale visited. London, 1914. LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc0j Chaucer Sooiet. [Publications.) Second Series. No. 51.

    Card ID: 262

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    Author: IRT (Robert Charles) and HO?rE (John Perry)


    -r flIRT (Robert Charles) and HO?rE (John Perry). Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of benzo— nitrile vapor....A portion of a thesis presented by R.C.Hirt in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in...Brown Uzkiversity, June, 1947. Reprinted from The Tourna1 of Chemical Physics, Vol. 16, No. 5, May, 1948. pp. 480-485. Chart and tables. 8°. [Providence, R.I.], 1948. Catalogued from the wrapper.

    Card ID: 482

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    Author: HUBBARD (John Perry) and CLIThANS (William Vance)


    HUBBARD (John Perry) and CLIThANS (William Vance). 1:tultiple—choice exaruinations in medicine: a guide for examiner and exaEinee. [With bib— liographies.j pp. 166k Charts, diagrmns a*d tables. 80. London, IU.S.A. printed], 2961.

    Card ID: 56