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PERKINS William a:king william|k:it (william) (12)



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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    S4-ve 2-•G c J PERKINS (William), Fellow_of Christ’s College, Cambridge. The Workes of...Mr.Wil1ian Perkins. The first volume. Newly corrected according to his ovine copies. With distinct chapters, and contents of euery booke & two tables of the whole, one of the matter.& questions, fol. Iohn Legatt: London, 1612. Thperfect wanting the first four leaves, the last three leaves of the text the rast two leaves containing the second: table, also the tables inserted before pp. 11, 73, 75, 95, 107, 121 and 329. Wanting Vols. andZ5,of this edition [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 561

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    (;r PERKINS (William), Fellow of Christ1sCollee, Cambridge, The Workes of...Mr. William Perkins, etc. [Contin.) The Works of...M. William Perkins. The second volume. Newly corrected according to his ovine copies, etc. (Another edition.] fol. Iohn Legatt: London, 1631. Each work has a separate titlepage. Legatt prin’ted only voL 2 of this edition SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 562

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    G C fi c9j PERKINS (William), Fellow of Chris’s. College, mbjdg. The Workes of...Mr. William Perkins, etc. [Continued.) - The Workes of...Mr. W.Perkins. The third and last volume. Newly corrected and amended. Containing his learned expositions of sundrie choise places of Scripture with some little tractates, etc. [Another eäition.] Folded table, - fol. Printed by C.Legge: Cambridg, 1618. The margjrs of signatures A-C are damaged. Each work has p sejarate tltleoage with the imint of The oriiria1 u .isher. WantinVo1s. 1— 01 tflls dltlpn.

    Card ID: 563

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    Skvoi—3 PERKINS (William), how of,çhrist’sC11ege, Cambridge. fArmilla Aurea.-English. A Golden chaine; or, The description of theologie, containtng the order of the causes of saluation and damnation...Written in Latine, and translated by R.H. (Robert Hill). Whereunto is adioined the order which H. Theodore Beza vsed in comforting afflicted consciences. The second edition much enlarged, with a table at the end. pp. 21á + (12). Tables arid diagram. Printed by lohri Legate: Cambridge, 1597. Bound in a volume lettanni. erkin’s Works.

    Card ID: 565

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    G PERKINS (William), Fellow of Christs Colle, Catnbride. A Case of conscience, the greatest that euer was: how a man may know whether he be the child of God) or no. Resolüed by the word of God, (Li.e. the first Epistle of Iohn, in forme of a dialogue). Whereunto is added a briefe discourse taken out of Hier. Zanchius. Printed by the Widowe Orwin for Thomas Man, and Iohn Porter; London, 1597. infra: The Foundation of Christian religion. pp1lLf3—75.

    Card ID: 566

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    - j S+r PERKINS (William), Fellow of Christ’s Coliee, Cambridgç. A Declaration of the true manner of knowing Christ crucified. Printed by Iohn Legat Cambridg, i597. PERKINS (William), Fellow of Christ’.s Colleg, Cambridge. A Salve for a sicke man, , pp. 7—73.

    Card ID: 567

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    - - I(L PERKINS (William) Fellow of Dhrit’ College, Cambridge. A Discourse of the dmnned art of witchcraft, ao farre forth as it is reuealed. in the Scriptures, and manifest by tru.e experience.,..Published by T.Pickering, j. pp. (24) + 257. [li.P.L.] 8. C.Lege, Printer to the Vniueraitie of Cambridge, 1608. .;.L. - [Another edition.) pp. (56). [H.P.L.] L.j,r[: .-- fol. C.Legge [Cambridge), 1618. Extracted from ‘The Works of,..W.Perkins, The third and last volume’, 1618. There is a separate titlepage to this Lract.

    Card ID: 570

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    G PERKINS (William), Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge. An Exposition of the Lords Prayer: in the way of catechising, seruing for ignorant people. Corrected and amended. Hereunto are adioyned the prayers of Paul taken out of his Epistles. Printed by Felix Kingsto for Iohn Porter an aiNa lackson: London., 1597. See PERKINS (William), flhlow of Christ’s Colleg, Cabridgf. The Foundation of Christian religion, flç. pp. 17?—26.

    Card ID: 571

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    PERKINS (William), Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge. The Foundation of Christian religion, etc. [Continued. J part has a separate titlepage but the apation is continuous. The irnint on the titIpage of the third part reads “printed at London by the WidoweOrwin for Thomas Man, and Iohn Porter” andon the ti1eageof the fourth part “Printed by Felix King, for Iohn Porter, and Ralph lackson”. The first titlepage has a woodcut border. WafltiQg two folded ieà’ès. [SEE NEXT CARD. 3

    Card ID: 574

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    PERKINS (William). A Golden chaine. See supra: Armil1a aurea. - English.]

    Card ID: 576

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    ci ‘ r,_ s - PERKINS (William), Fellow of Christ’s Co1lege1Carnbridg. Two treatises. I. Of the nature and practise of repentance. II. Of the combat of the flesh and spirit. A second edition corrected. (A Direction for the government of the tongue according to God word.) 2 parts in I vol. O. inted by Iohn, egate sold by J.Field]: Cambridge, 1597. Bound in volume lettered: Perkinj s Works.

    Card ID: 579

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    Author: PERKINS (William)


    & rL PERKINS (William), Fellow of Christ’a College, Cambriage. The Whole treatise of the cases of coscience, distinguished into three bookes. -Taught and deliveredby W.Perkins in his Holy—day lectures, examined by his ownebriefes,-and published for the common good, by T.Piokering. Newly coxrected, with the two tablesset before the first booke, etc. pp. (30) + 337 + (3), 4°. Printed at London byIohnLegatt, and are to be sold by Simon Waterson, 1614.

    Card ID: 580